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Steven R. Andrade

An Ignition Lock Device for All DUI Drivers?

Would you be in favor of putting an ignition locking device in the car of everyone who is convicted of drunk driving? The legislation is in the works to require an ignition interlock device to be installed in a vehicle for any person convicted of DUI, including first -time misdemeanor DUI cases.
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Steven R. Andrade

The Hard Facts About Impaired Driving: Who Is Most at Risk?

College students have been the topic of endless alarming media reports about binge drinking, but what do the actual facts reveal? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that binge drinking is the most common pattern of excessive alcohol consumption in the USA and it is often assumed that young people are the most likely to engage in episodes of heavy drinking.
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Steven R. Andrade

Supreme Court Ruling on Cell Phone Searches

On June 25, 2014, the United States Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling establishing that a person has a right to privacy with respect to information on his or her cell phone. Traditionally, law enforcement officers would routinely search arrestees' cell phones for evidence or to satisfy their curiosity.
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